You may be paying too much for car insurance. You work hard for your money and even harder to keep your budget on track. So why spend too much on car insurance? GP Federal Credit Union members may qualify for discounts on car insurance through the TruStage® Auto Insurance Program. You could save hundreds of dollars and switching is easy.
TruStage® offers a powerful mix of savings and popular member-friendly benefits:
It can be easy to get a free quote. Visit the Trustage® Site or call (855) 991-2559.
TruStage® Life Insurance is offered by TruStage® Insurance Agency, LLC and issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company, PO Box 61, Waverly, IA 50677-0061. The insurance offered is not a deposit and is not federally insured or guaranteed by GP Federal Credit Union.
TruStage® Auto & Home Insurance Program is made available through TruStage® Insurance Agency and issued by leading insurance companies. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold or guaranteed by GP Federal Credit Union. Products and features may not be available in all states. Be sure to understand the complete details of coverage, including any exclusions and limitations. If your credit union enables this insurance program to be offered, it is entitled to compensation from TruStage® Insurance Agency, LLC, PO Box 61, Waverly IA 50677-0061. A consumer report from a consumer reporting agency and/or motor vehicle report will be obtained on all drivers listed on your policy where state laws and regulations allow. Please consult your policy for specific coverages and limitations. Discounts and savings are available where state laws and regulations allow and may vary by state. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten; not all applicants may qualify.
Mandy was amazing and perfect as usual. She helped me with all my questions and was quick with responses to all parties. All in all her loan management skills is the reason I love using GP federal.Will, Member